Up-skill and improve your chances in the job market learning to take blood and cannulate patients. Many employers are paying £20-£25 an hour, as long as you have a certificate of competence, through a valid source.
You will gain the certificate and can even find work through us, if you can show the right attributes and competency.
Phlebotomy is an ever-growing industry and there are many opportunities for you to gain work in the sector. You only need to look on the internet to find out how many private and NHS jobs in this area there are.
My Nurses Life are offering a discounted training in taking blood and cannulating.
No previous experience required, and the course is delivered by a highly experienced nurse trainer, who has years of experience in this area.
Venepuncture (Phlebotomy) and Cannulation are very routine invasive procedures performed in clinical settings in the NHS and private settings. To perform these procedures well and to a safe standard, staff should have relevant and up-to-date knowledge and skills.
The World Health Organisation states that: “correct technique and safe practice are essential in preventing inaccurate results or harm to patients and staff”. So, training delivered by experienced staff, who are committed to your success and love to make the training both informative, yet fun is essential to your initial success.
If you need a refresher course, or are new to Phlebotomy, this nurse-led training is right for you.
We have the correct equipment and give you sufficient practice time to become competent in siting the cannulas.

Who is this course for?
All healthcare professionals area welcome, it is both a beginners course or can be used as a refresher course - even those at the very start of their careers in healthcare are welcome.
On completion you will be not only equipped with the underpinning theory, but you will have had plenty of practical knowledge and with our workbook can gain competence in your future or existing workplace under clinical supervision. We also may be able to offer you work with our company in venepuncture or IV therapy.
Limited spaces - we ensure you get maximum practice
Was £250 - offer £175 including VAT
24th September Wirral
22nd October
19th November
Call Helen +44 7860386646
or Maxine +44 7517 108981
0900-1700 BST.
My Nurses Life (H&T Training Ltd)